Sweet Moon Dreams

Artist: Erika E Kennedy — Sweet Moon Dreams


Looking for some cute are, decorations, jewelry, looking for rainbow things and sweet dreams. Look no further. Hi, I’m Eri, or Pyro. I have been doing art all my life, it’s my special interest, all forms of crafting and art. I believe that art has the power to make a difference in the world and show people the good and positives. Art is an extension of ourselves that we share with the world. No matter who you are, art can be used to express who you are or what you love or even the things you feel. Art allows us to speak volumes even without words. Even though it may be silent, it speaks the loudest to those that listen.
I hope to one day make a difference in the world and show people that they’re not alone in their mental struggles, I believe if we work together and be ourselves and express ourselves, we can make the world a better more colorful place.
I am a neurodivergent artist with chronic pain issues and mental struggles and do have bad days, but despite those bad days, I still find the good. Stay strong and keep fighting. You are worth the fight.