Mixing Bowls, Compass, Three Mirrors

Artist: Jennifer Baugh — Jennifer Baugh


When I draw, I feel free and I can do combat with the voices that say I am not enough. I frequently make mistakes, yet I continue to pursue the loud laugh of color on my page that says I am enough!
My artwork is multisensory and immersive. It encourages viewers to see the world from different perspectives. When my children were small we participated in many sensory integration activities. Those activities have greatly influenced my artistic process. Now, I provide the viewer with manipulatives such as light diffraction glasses and color therapy glasses. I ask the viewer to see how the drawings change shape and color. Furthermore, I encourage people to touch my drawings and feel the texture. I do all of the above to let people know their environment can be changed by color, shape, and texture to create a more soothing or energetic space.

My pieces start from something found or noticed. I see an object, an ordinary thing, with its intended form and purpose, and I see it in colors and patterns. I see the abstract in the mundane.
Alcohol markers form the base of color. Multiple layers of Prismacolor pencils are added for saturation and texture. The colors are then burnished with a Dremel and cotton discs or cloth or even rubbed with paper, adding shine and depth to the layers. This creation process is as much a sensory one as it is a visual one.