Attelling | Old Gus’s Place | Oregon Farm

Artist: David G Hyatt —


“Attelling” is a fun piece with a late winter theme – blue maybe giving way to yellow? You tell me. 🙂 This is a mixed media abstract – oil pastel over acrylic over watercolor!
Framed Size (h w): 20.75 x 28.25 in. $995

“Old Gus’s Place” is a watercolor, inspired by an old cabin in the Oklahoma backwoods. Old Gus lived there alone much of his life and would venture in to town on his horse one a month for provisions. Feels kinda empty now.
Framed Size (h w): 26.25 x 36.25 in. $1495

“Oregon Farm” is part of a series I have done interpreting this western farm I observed during a long camping trip during the summer of 2024. This so embodies the feeling I get from the road – looking out across fields to a cluster of barns set on the horizon, with mountains or more plains beyond.
Framed Size (h w): 20.75 x 41 in

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