A&W Drive In, Sails Down, The Sun Boys, Kraft Parade 1947
Artist: Ron Neal Enderland — The Bald Guy Enterprises, Inc
Ron Enderland has been drawing since he was old enough to hold a pencil. Nowadays, his specialty is ink, with a little watercolor and ink/watercolor mixed media for good measure. He loves drawing art based on moments in history, as well as cityscapes, people, entertainers, architecture, nature, the sea, and the occasional pure abstract.
See these works during the May Art on the Bricks Art Walk.
An A&W Drive In as seen late 50’s. Ink and watercolor.
A sailing ship put up to rest. Ink and watercolor.
Johnny Cash and Elvis as seen in the 50’s.
Kraft parade in Bentonville, 1947.
See Ron’s art at Rogers Experimental House, 121 W Walnut Street