Collection of Greeting Cards, Prints, and Original Drawings

Artist: Hannah Jeremiah


My recent works are small, colorful, emotive drawings. They arise through a process of intuitively shuffling through the pages, putting one away and pulling out another, allowing them gradually to come to fruition. Scissors flood in front of a blue shadow face; the left arm floats away from a body. A fork comes out of a phone; eyes watch what I eat. I often work without a plan, allowing meaning to arise from layers of material, images, text, pattern, and color. I see drawing as a way of aesthetically organizing my consciousness. When disparate elements become integrated on the page through layers of pattern and color, the symbolic meaning of these elements becomes integrated in my mind – shifting my own psychological and perceptual reality. I see the finished works as an artifacts of the act of making – of drawing something out of my consciousness, allowing my body’s memory to find witness.