Gary Johnson’s Abstracts at the ANA Gallery

Artist: Gary Johnson — ANA Gallery


The “Dynamics of Dominance and Value” in the abstract art I create are but two of the design elements and principles that have become the central theme in the work I produce, exhibit and teach. Dominance is exhibited in many ways: color, shape, texture, and line are all forms of dominance utilized in my work. Colors can be either warm or cool and are present in all of my work. Shape Dominance is usually present as well where either curvilinear or geometric shapes become the key shapes within the piece. These are the two key forms of dominance that I try to produce when working on a watercolor abstract or any other painting for that matter. Other elements that tend to support these characteristics of my work are textures which are derived in multiple ways as well as the use of line to help pull the piece together and the multiple washes that allow the transparency of watercolor to come shining through providing changes in value throughout the composition. My acrylic abstract pieces allow me freedoms that aren’t available in watercolor and produce vibrancy that is different than watercolor. I love them both and will travel down this parallel path as I continue to grow during the never ending journey an artist travels.