Keeping on Track in Historic Downtown Rogers
Artist: Elizabeth Pier — EA Art Studios
Living and working near Downtown Historic Rogers has given artist Elizabeth Pier the unique opportunity to connect with long time residents and newly arrived residents and visitors. Each has the same thing to say as they meet her in the Butterfly Park working in the flower beds or creating a new work of art. Perhaps it’s spoken with different words, but the message is still the same, “This feels like home.”
Pier has a keen connection to Downtown Rogers that is seen in her series, “Keeping on Track.” The charm of the brick streets, the craftsmanship of the buildings, the friendliness of the business owners, the lush green in the parks…all extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits.
Downtown Rogers possesses that sense of past when things were slower paced, the feel of shade and sun as you walk the streets, peeking into window displays, the chatter of children in the parks, the benches to settle into and watch the world go by. Whether you have lived here for decades or are visiting for the first time, these elements set the stage to give you that feeling of coming home.
Keeping that welcome alive by highlighting Rogers’ past and making it part of not only our present, but our future gives Historic Rogers a sense of permanency which many towns can not boast. A person visiting the Historic Downtown District is reminded that what you do lasts. What you do matters. It’s remembered by a population that cares to preserve memories that will bring you home. Even if that home is a new one to you!