Recovered From…

Artist: Evan Crawford

Recovered From… is a body of work that span a few decades of my life in recovery.

Dead Winter examines where I would be without my Higher Power, Jesus Christ and represents a dark season of battling depression and suicidal ideation. Turning to Jesus in my despair and being grafted into His life-giving Vine ultimately kept me from becoming lifeless in body and spirit.

Angsty Hydrangea was created over the course of a week during COVID-19. My process of recovering from insecurity, particularly around painting, is ongoing, harrowing and liberating, all at once. Sharing the process with others takes me out of isolation and brings my fears into the light where they can be healed by Christ.

Talitha Koum is a phrase spoken in the Bible. In the book of Mark, chapter 5 records several stories of healings Jesus performed: restoring a demon-possessed man; healing a sick woman and raising a dead girl. In the last story, Jesus said to the dead girl, “Talitha koum!” Which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!” As I reflected on this chapter, some details of my own healing and restoration story came to life.

My hope is you can name some of your fears and struggles, and share them in a safe space, where the Light of Christ can heal and transform. – Evan Crawford