Creating From Chaos
Artist: Regina Vasquez
Creating from Chaos was born after and out of honorable service to the Nation in the United States Marine Corps. Chaos allowed an outlet for a veteran artist to create her story of life and the adversities that she overcame.
Ms. Regina Vasquez is not just an artist, Vasquez is woman of faith, mother of five beautiful children and engaged to a United States Navy veteran. Ms. Vasquez as an artist, has her works featured on display at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, the University of Texas in San Antonio, Texas and national and international exposition at the National Veteran Art museum in Chicago, Illinois and The Military History Art museum in Dresden, Germany.
Ms. Vasquez has been on many discussion panels for veteran advocacy and activist for women’s veteran rights and helped in the creation of laws to protect those who needed a voice. Vasquez has also been a souz chef in San Antonio, Texas. Additionally, is also the founder of Fatigues Clothesline.
Ms. Vasquez has used her talents and capabilities in art and cooking to help cope with symptoms of Complex PTSD and TBI which were a result of her service to her county.
Ms. Vasquez was featured in “The Invisible War” an Oscar Nominated Documentary and in 2014 received an award the “Fun and Fearless Latina” from Cosmopolitan Magazine for a featured article. Vasquez has been also featured in Rolling Stone Magazine and interviewed by such correspondents such as Gloria Steinem.
Ms. Vasquez hopes that by expressing through Chaos, will touch others through inspiration and to show that through adversity comes hope.

One Comment
Profound artist with a flair for having it show through her brush! I am happy to be standing with her as a woman veteran and part of the 7%! Nicely done Regina! Nicely done.